From Player Behavior
to Player Engagement.

From Player Behavior to Player Engagement.

Transform gameplay data into targeted campaigns, boost player engagement, analyze in-match behavior, optimize matchmaking, and ensure fair play – all in one platform.
One Platform. Complete Observability.
Connect your game server to our platform with no client-side anything and get complete observability on your game and players.
Tony Jones

Lead Producer

“Implementing Getgud has been a game-changer for us with SMITE 2 by helping identify and remove disruptive behavior such as AFK and intentionally feeding with greater speed and accuracy. Our community can now benefit from improved gameplay quality and an overall more enjoyable experience.”

Tony Jones

Lead Producer

“Implementing Getgud has been a game-changer for us with SMITE 2 by helping identify and remove disruptive behavior such as AFK and intentionally feeding with greater speed and accuracy. Our community can now benefit from improved gameplay quality and an overall more enjoyable experience.”

Craft campaigns that drive grows

Engage Smarter, Retain Longer.
Analyzing in-game player behavior to help you craft personalized campaigns, deliver targeted rewards, re-engage players with precision, segment your audience with unparalleled ease and accuracy, design campaigns tailored to unique playstyles and learned players properties. Use data-driven campaigns to optimize retention strategies and maximize player satisfaction.
Team killing

Intentionally (and not accidentally) causing harm or killing a member of your own team in a match.

Spawn kill

Killing a player as soon as they spawn in the match, often repeatedly, making it difficult or impossible for them to play.


Hiding in one spot for a prolong periods of time, often with a sniper rifle, waiting for other players to come by to shoot them.


Using offensive or derogatory language towards other players, either verbally or through messaging.


Manipulating the game's ranking system by playing with another player who intentionally loses to boost the other player's rank.


Creating a new account to play against less-skilled players, often to dominate or troll them

Stream snipe

Intentionally watching a live streamer's gameplay in real-time to gain an unfair advantage and disrupt the live stream.

Rage quit

Repeatedly exiting matches in frustration or anger during or after a losing streak

Increase player retention

Make Your Game Toxic Free
Getgud autonomously analyzes in-match player behavior and detects toxic ones, including griefers such as campers, spawn killers and boosters to cheaters such as aim-botters, wall-hackers and speed-hackers. You have control over tolerance levels and what actions to take, including automatic bans.
Aim bot
A software or script that aims for the player automatically, often resulting in perfect accuracy.
Wall hack
A cheat that allows players to see through walls, giving them an unfair advantage in finding and killing opponents.
God mode
A cheat that makes the player invulnerable to damage, essentially making them unbeatable.
Speed hack
A cheat that allows the player to move faster than normal, giving them an advantage in combat or escaping danger.
Team kill
Intentionally (and not accidentally) causing harm or killing a member of your own team in a match.
Spawn kill
Killing a player as soon as they spawn in the match, often repeatedly, making it difficult or impossible for them to play.
Manipulating the game's ranking system by playing with another player who intentionally loses to boost the other player's rank.
Creating a new account to play against less-skilled players, often to dominate or troll them.
Aim bot
A software or script that aims for the player automatically, often resulting in perfect accuracy.
God mode
A cheat that makes the player invulnerable to damage, essentially making them unbeatable.
Team kill
Intentionally (and not accidentally) causing harm or killing a member of your own team in a match.
Manipulating the game's ranking system by playing with another player who intentionally loses to boost the other player's rank.
Wall hack
A cheat that allows players to see through walls, giving them an unfair advantage in finding and killing opponents.
Speed hack
A cheat that allows the player to move faster than normal, giving them an advantage in combat or escaping danger.
Spawn kill
Killing a player as soon as they spawn in the match, often repeatedly, making it difficult or impossible for them to play.
Creating a new account to play against less-skilled players, often to dominate or troll them.

Helping you make informed decisions.

Game Analytics You Can Act On.
Get answers to questions such as which weapon/character is favorable, what map/mode is trending, where should loot boxes drop in-map to get the most/least exposure and so on. See retention and toxicity reports, statistics, trends and behaviors, get visibility into your in-match everything; Know if your game is balanced, from character and weapons damage stats to team matchmaking balance. Taking into account things like in-match damage and weapon usage lets us be as granular as you want us to be.
Team killing

Intentionally (and not accidentally) causing harm or killing a member of your own team in a match.

Spawn kill

Killing a player as soon as they spawn in the match, often repeatedly, making it difficult or impossible for them to play.


Hiding in one spot for a prolong periods of time, often with a sniper rifle, waiting for other players to come by to shoot them.


Using offensive or derogatory language towards other players, either verbally or through messaging.


Manipulating the game's ranking system by playing with another player who intentionally loses to boost the other player's rank.


Creating a new account to play against less-skilled players, often to dominate or troll them

Stream snipe

Intentionally watching a live streamer's gameplay in real-time to gain an unfair advantage and disrupt the live stream.

Rage quit

Repeatedly exiting matches in frustration or anger during or after a losing streak

All your matches

Recorded, Visualized, Analyzed!
Converting unstructured game data into a visualized world that models the game’s in-match actions as they happened in real time, allowing both our AI and users to learn every aspect of the game and its players. With, you’ll never lose in-match data again!

You define the rules, we execute!

Automate Anything With Getgud’s Rules.
You define the player cohort and the actions you’d like to take on that cohort, and Getgud’s Rules will do the rest – executing automatically on a schedule you define. Actions include updates to player attributes, such as player status, rank and reputation, to webhook notifications you define, allowing you to take action on anything, for example:
Build toxic player cohorts using automatically assigned toxic scores and act via webhook notifications as you see fit, banning, shadow banning or warning toxic players.
Via the Reputation attribute, you can create your own player reputation system relaying on automatically assigned toxic scores and dozens of other attributes.
Via the Rank attribute, you can promote players with long play hours, high K/D ratio and low toxic scores.
Automatically Demote disruptive players, players with dropping K/D ratios or churning players.
Via webhooks, trigger email campaigns for churned players, VIP players, pro players or any player cohort you define.
Segment players by the UTM/campaign they came from and attribute real, clean players that played enough time on enough maps with enough action.
Warn disruptive players, in-game (via webhooks) about toxic behaviors they are currently doing and let them know you know - preventing toxicity and churn, including theirs.
Share Player Toxic Score, Rank and Reputation attributes in-game with your players, providing visibility and trust to and on your community.
Build toxic player cohorts using automatically assigned toxic scores and act via webhook notifications as you see fit, banning, shadow banning or warning toxic players.
Via the Rank attribute, you can promote players with long play hours, high K/D ratio and low toxic scores.
Via webhooks, trigger email campaigns for churned players, VIP players, pro players or any player cohort you define.
Warn disruptive players, in-game (via webhooks) about toxic behaviors they are currently doing and let them know you know - preventing toxicity and churn, including theirs.
Via the Reputation attribute, you can create your own player reputation system relaying on automatically assigned toxic scores and dozens of other attributes.
Automatically Demote disruptive players, players with dropping K/D ratios or churning players.
Segment players by the UTM/campaign they came from and attribute real, clean players that played enough time on enough maps with enough action.
Share Player Toxic Score, Rank and Reputation attributes in-game with your players, providing visibility and trust to and on your community.

Out of the box report management

Manage User Report Via Getgud
Your team and community can now submit player reports to Getgud from your game server or our Modeler, and you in turn can query, visualize and create rules on reported players.

Stream, Analyze & Store only data you care about

Control Your Data, Your Way
With Getgud’s Filters, you have full control over what to stream, analyze and store. Use dozens of attributes to Control which matches will be streamed from your server to our cloud, which matches will be analyzed by specific guard laws and which should be stored to allow later replays. Some attribute examples:
Stream matches of maps you care about, providing you with more analytics and data on these matches and maps.
Stream matches from servers you care about, providing you with more analytics and data on these matches and servers.
Stream matches from specific match or game modes, providing you with more analytics and data on these matches and modes.
Analyze matches that had in-match reports. Control which reports, their count, etc.
Decide the schedule of when your filter works - allowing you to control stream, analyze or store time windows.
Toxic Scores
Stream matches with toxic players or only store matches with high toxicity scores.
Player count
Analyze matches with enough players, not wasting resources/time on irrelevant matches.
Analyze long enough matches, not wasting resources/time on irrelevant matches.
Stream matches of maps you care about, providing you with more analytics and data on these matches and maps.
Stream matches from specific match or game modes, providing you with more analytics and data on these matches and modes.
Decide the schedule of when your filter works - allowing you to control stream, analyze or store time windows.
Player count
Analyze matches with enough players, not wasting resources/time on irrelevant matches.
Stream matches from servers you care about, providing you with more analytics and data on these matches and servers.
Analyze matches that had in-match reports. Control which reports, their count, etc.
Toxic Scores
Stream matches with toxic players or only store matches with high toxicity scores.
Analyze long enough matches, not wasting resources/time on irrelevant matches.

Stream your matches to our cloud!

Simply SaaS
Getgud is a server side solution with no client side anything. We rely on a stream of data your server already has, sent via SDK or game file parser. Our approach does not degrade game performance, supports all first person shooter games and works on all platforms, including Web and mobile.

Any FPS, any genre, any platform.

What Games Do We Support
Any game with a 2.5/3D environment (FPS & MOBA) where characters move in with the intention to create and receive damage; this includes any battle royales, tactical shooters, medieval skirmishes or simulators.

2021 Unity report

What Gamers Say


agree new solutions are needed to fight toxicity


personally experienced toxic behavior


agree that toxicity is a problem across all gaming platforms


will stop playing if noticing toxic behavior


agree that first person shooters are the most cheated games


player churn in toxic games


Your Game. Our Insights.
Complete Observability.

© 2024

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It’s time to GetGud!